This Agreement by and between you, individual or legal entity, being the customer of transport services according to the public agreement (offer) for rendering of informational services, hereinafter referred as the User, and the LLC “Lucky Group” hereinafter referred as the Company for use of the “Lucky CAB”, hereinafter referred as the "Software". By installing and copying of the Application “Lucky CAB”, or using it by any other means, you confirm your consent to implement the conditions of this Agreement.
Subject of the User Agreement
- The Company offers to the User the right of use of the Application “Lucky CAB”, allowing to obtain access to the information database, destined for processing of the taxi orders directly by the Transporter. Transporter – the party of this Agreement, legal entity, Individual Entrepreneur, driver of the transportation means, receiver of the information services on the current orders of the Users, which underwent authorization at the database of the Company as the person rendering taxi services, undertaking the liability according to the public agreement (offer) on paid transportation of passengers and luggage.
- The software is not for sale, but is provided for temporary use, defined while receipt of the application with the definite time limitation of use.
- This Agreement might be changed by the Company at any time without preliminary notification. The copy of this Agreement is always available at the webpage of the Company.
Description of the Software
- The Software is the application for the mobile device, by means of which the order of the User for rendering of the service of transportation of the passengers and the luggage is transferred to the Transporter.
- The Software works through the server of the Company.
- The Software is only the tool of communication implementing processing and transfer of the information and not implementing any financial operations, commercially beneficial manipulations.
Right of use of the Software and it’s protection
- The right of use of the Software starts from the date of downloading and authorization of the latter by the User.
- This Software is protected with the Law and the normative acts on copyright and other rights of intellectual property.
- The Company holds the right of use of this Software and its transfer to the third parties for access to the database of the Company.
- The rights of intellectual property for maintenance and regarding it, which is not the part of the Software, but access to which is provided by the Software, belongs to the owners of the rights for such maintenance and are protected with the appropriate legislative acts. The user will not be assigned with any rights for use of such contents.
- The Company retains the right of automatic update of the Software with release of new versions.
Rights and Liabilities of the User
- The user is entitled to apply for the Software at its purposed use.
- The User is not entitled to modify the Software, to divide it into the constituent parts, to use them according to their purposes, or to produce its derived products, based upon this Software;
- The User is held responsible for the actions implemented by the User by means of the Account of the latter, and also for any other outcomes, which might have entailed or caused as the result of such use.
- If and while the User does not confirm contradictory, any actions implemented by means of the Software, shall be considered as implemented by the relevant User.
- While using the Software by the User, the following is restricted: While registration, to indicate or to introduce as the result, false or invented information, and in particular, name and surname, age, email, etc. of other person, to be registered as the User on behalf or instead of other person (“False Account”) or to register group (union) of natural persons or legal entities as the User.
- The User is not entitled to penetrate the Software with the purpose to obtain the codes of the programs;
- The User is not entitled to use the Software in any manner, which violate the Laws of Georgia or any other countries of residence of the User;
- The User is not entitled to use the Software for commercial purpose, to sell or otherwise spread partially or completely the Software;
- The User is not entitled to change or to delete the marks and the notifications of the copyright belonging to the Software and allocated in its files, designs and other elements.
Responsibilities of the Parties
- The Software is provided on basis as is, without the warranty liabilities of any type, including the details of the warranty for its use. Any risks related to its quality, security and functioning of the Software shall be born with the User.
- The overall responsibility related to use of the Software is held with the User. The Company is not held responsible for improper use of the Software, as the result of which the damage might be caused to the device of the User.
Termination of User Agreement
- The User Agreement automatically ceases its action for the reason of refuse in any form by the User to implement and to comply with the terms and the conditions of this Agreement or to obtain by the User notification, or for receipt by the User notification in writing from the part of the Software regarding action of the User Agreement.
- Upon termination of this User Agreement, the User is liable to terminate immediately use of the Software.
The Company reserves the right to obtain statistical information about the Users, according to the Privacy Policy
LLC “Lucky Group” Identification number: 405257181 Address: #9 Marie Brosse str. Tbilisi, Georgia E-mail:, Tel.: + 995 32 2 91 01 01
Publishing date: January 26, 2023